jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

La herencia e historia Cherokee

Ultimamente he investigado mas sobre la historia de la raza cherokee a la que pertenesco por sangre de manera lejana, me siento orgulloso de las pocas tradiciones que e podido descobrir y que pienso conservar y pasar a las generaciones que vienen despues de mi, como lo contenido abajo, que llego a mi por una de mis bandas favoritas, y fue una de las primeras ingerencias que tuve de la voz de mis ancestros.....

"Hanhepi iyuho mi ihanbla ohinni yelo

O sunkmanitutankapi hena,
sunkawakanpi watogha hena,

oblaye t'ankapi oihankesni hena

T'at'epi kin asni kiyasni he
akatanhanpi iwankal

Oblaye t'anka kin
osicesni mitakuyepi on

Makoce kin wakan
WakanTanka kin on

Miwicala ohinni - Hanhepi iyuha
kici - Anpetu iyuha kici yelo

Mi yececa hehaka kin yelo, na
ni yececa sunkmanitutankapi

kin ka mikaga wowasaka isom

Uncipi tuweni nitaku keyas ta k'u

Unwakupi e'cela e wiconi
wanji unmakainapi ta yelo

Anpetu waste e wan olowan
le talowan winyan ta yelo

Unwanagi pi lel e nita it'okab o'ta ye

Untapi it'okab o'ta

Na e kte ena on hanska ohakap
ni itansni a'u nita ihanke yelo"

Translation for the poem:
our souls will join against the wild
our home in peace'n
war'n death

wandering on horizon road...

i still dream every night
of them wolves, them
those endless prairies
the restless winds over
the unspoilt frontier of
my kith n'kin
the hallowed land of the
green spirit
i still believe
in every night
in every day
i am like the caribou
and you like the wolves that
make me stronger

we never owed you anything
our only debt is one life
for our mother

it was a good day to chant
this song
for her

our spirit was here long
before you
long before us
and long will it be after your
pride brings you to your end

Asi pues seguire indagando mas en esta sabia y antigua cultura, la cual hasta hoy me a dado ya mucho sin siquiera yo pedir una minima parte.

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012


Today I don’t feel ok, I just opened my eyes in the morning and realized that I'm still broken, that in my heart is standing the uncontrollable pain of countless scars made through time...... and I'm so tired

I have remembered you again my son.... my little Arthur, I feel shame of myself, every single second I think that I have turned my back on you, every minute my soul cries because I can't feel you   in my arms, but I will beg for your forgiveness, I'll bow my head and go in my knees if is necessary for you to understand that I did not want for you to have a broken father, one that you will be ashamed of....... and I'm so tired......

Also I tough of you, the girl that I love, the one that I swore to be forever with, the one that I always told that I will take care of and will protect, the one that hurtled me, the one that broke me when I was still in pieces, the one that said that she will try to fix me....Fer I’m sorry, please forgive me If I have failed you..... But I am tired.... I'm so tired....

For the two best friends that I have, Edward and Blaire, for both of you I would like to ask for your forgiveness, because I feel that I am not worthy of your invaluable friendship, because you are always there for me, when I don’t need you, and when I need you are there even more, It does not matter if you are far away, but now I just realize that I will always need you my dear friends..... And I am so tired.

For all my family, for my mom, that I have hurtled so much trough time, for Pops, forgive me if I have disappointed you in any way, but I still need you, and I miss you every day.......for my brother Hector,  forgive me, please forgive me, I know that sometimes you needed me and I was not there, forgive me for being so selfish, for being an asshole with you, but I would like for you to know that I still love you as my brother, and if you need me I'll be here for you..... But I am so tired......

Today I opened my eyes feeling broken, wishing for everything to end, wishing for people to stop hiding things from me, cause it hurts even more when I realize in their minds, wishing for no one to betray me, no one to hurt me, no one to broke me again....... because I'm tired of it....... I am so tired of it.......