Due today is the 5th of November, I would like to
get a little bit political with this, what it seems to be lie entries of my
personal diary, or some way to escape the horrible reality in which me and the
ones that I loved are stocked in some way.
I would like to make a point that right now, the situation
of this country (Mexico for the people that may read this and do not know me)
is being drained by a troop of political vampires that do possess no moral
rules or even a moral education, they do not know any type of rights, respect
or selflessness which I may say is essential to a charge like the one the hold.
Instead of that we have to stand, and sometimes accept all of the abuse that
they are capable of create watching under their own shellfish and empty needs
and whims.
Basically, criminals sustaining bigger criminals, which we
can say, don’t care about anything else but money to have more power than the
one they already have. The most
interesting thing to say, is that the so called revolutionary people just mess
with the regular people, they try to change by any mean (or at least by some of
the most radical means) to change the mind of people that do not show any
interest in the matter, please don’t get this wrong, I’m not trying to say that this has any
importance on our lives, but that the so call change will not occurred if the “revolutionary
people” affect the regular people, if you need any example, just turn your head
a little bit and watch at all of the marches which purpose is to make the
people understand an idea, but the only achievement they have is creating
chaos, and disorder due they block principal streets and avenues of the
city so the regular people can not arrive to work in order to earn money to
feed themselves or their families, or they create some times unrest situations
in the street’s so the government can grant them some attentions, in which case
they just achieve to have place themselves on an outlaw picture in which is not
only a benefit for the government , but
is lethal for them due people is not going to trust to some one that has a self-created
criminal profile.
So based on the information (that is placed under my own
perspective) offered here, I really think that first of all, the revolutionary
faction must change the plan of action, due affecting the people itself and not
the government they are just loosing territory on peoples mind, so they really
need a better tactic if they want to really start a change on this situation,
also, they need to realize the real power that the so called “enemy” possess,
they have an almost unlimited amount of money, the perfect and infallible
machine for brainwashing, the ability to block the real information, and the
most important and dreaded of all, the power to restrain education at any level,
because one of the most if not the biggest advantage that they have is people
without education, and not only that, but without the desire for further
education in which case there is no idea, no movement and no human, inhuman or
divine power on the universe that will change the way of existence of a non-willing
person due the apathy is the most dangerous menace for every person, and the
most powerful ally for any oppressor, so, even if this is not the real motive,
I would like to place down here, the words that inspire me today to write this
little text: