martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

In the middle of the night

Hello and welcome back….. assuming that you are the only one that read this, I would like to thank you, thank you for all the time that you have dedicate to read my toughs, and to understand my feelings, I also understand yours and beg for your forgiveness, because I’m not with you, even do I want you to understand something, I will be, it does not matter what does it takes, one day I’ll be with you, I swear over my condemned blood that one day I’ll be in front of you to never let go of your heart……. Any way, I just think of the following lines because they are for you, and only for you:

In the middle of the night:
-Is this a dream?..... is my mind playing tricks on me?.... If is not, why are you there by my side in the ground, near my body your soft skin at the reach of my hands, so white… so sweet, so perfect….
-Should I wake you up? Do I dare to touch your angel skin?... Am I worthy enough to call her back from the realm of dreams?.... I love to se her face like this, all calmed and in pure peace…
-then my mind begin to fly away with here name in my voice, Imagining that I can hold her in my arms for ever, that the eternity means all with her, that for her, I will do everything….
-Then my toughs change drastically, I was with her again, lying in the ground, she was awake and looking at me, giving me that smile full of light of her…. Then I just reach your lips… damn how do I a dark being, a forgotten one, a forbidden one, dare to kiss those pure lips, how does the devil dares to touch such a beautiful creature, so delicate, so gentle and kind….. but then for my own surprise, you responded to the kiss, then I just began to kiss your chick, then slowly went to your chin, and … no lies here, softly and with a little bit of lust, I reached her neck, I kissed it and bit it slowly and in a soft way…. That cause for her to softly growl in pure pleasure and then….. my will take away that image of my head, “damn you stupid animal” I said to my self….. Sometimes is not good to be a demon huh?.... then she just woke up….in that moment, I look at her and then, just one thing comes to my mind…”kiss her”….but is forbidden……”Kiss her!!!!”…but is forbidden…”Shut up and KISS HER!!”… but…”do it!!!!”….but….”DO IT!!!!!!”..
-So I did, Slowly move my face near her, making my lips get closer to hers, and then, a tender, gentle little kiss came out…..
-She opened her eyes , wide in doubt…. Then I told her in a soft voice ”The same look I had when I saw you the first time, thinking we did not belong together…but here we are, at the end of the road together” you didn’t say anything, so I just stay still far you… then you came closer, so I hugged you.. Ill try to keep that picture of you in my arms for ever….
-Then unfortunately I woke up…”so lonely” I think.. but then I swear again…”One day I’ll be with you… doesn’t matter how much does it takes, I’ll be with you…..and that day, the day that I finally will have you in my arms, I will never let go of you… because ]I love you….I will take care of you…. Because I love you!!..... I´ll be with you for ever….. BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!!....
-That was my oath, created in the middle  of the night for you, with the full moon as my witness, I´ll keep my promise for ever…I´ll keep my promise…for you….

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

Espasmos del veneno

 Greetings and welcome back to this blog, in which sometimes the being that post all this toughs, feelings, nightmares…..  Sometimes he will go and write some things  a little bit of the context of the blog… it will end up writing in another language…..and it goes like this…
Espasmos del veneno:
-Llevamos un largo tiempo así….. Buscándonos, tratando de llegar el uno al otro, , sin pensar en otra cosa que en el sujeto que provoca la aceleración de nuestro flujo sanguíneo….-
“Al anochecer cuando al fin estés entre espasmos de mi veneno danzando estaré en la oscuridad que tus ojos guardan en sueño…….. Aullando a tus pies luna de placer este es mi último aliento…… Al anochecer cuando al fin estés Entre espasmos de mi veneno….”

-Mientras ambos corremos por los oscuros corredores de un laberinto que nos separa, una horrida trampa que no hace otra cosa que alejarnos, nos movemos, rápido y con cuidado, de no doblar en un lugar equivoco, gritando, aullando, para que el otro sepa que aun existe una razón para continuar…-
“Al amanecer se que encontrare en tu piel ardientes deseos….rezando estaré espérame fiel en el templo de los lamentos, tus labios sabrán lo que es profanar en un beso, el reino del cielo….. Al amanecer se que encontrare en tu piel ardientes deseos…”

-Y así, mientras aúllo mi rabia por esta maldición, doy una vuelta improvisada sin darme cuenta, y ahí sin más, frente a mí, mirando perplejo te encuentro, por fin nos encontramos, paso a paso, mirándonos sin descanso, examinándonos ambos, de pies a cabeza, nos rodeamos en un abrazo infinito, nos acercamos mas y mas, hasta fundirnos los dos en un beso apasionado…-

“Al anochecer cuando al fin estés entre espasmos de mi veneno danzando estaré en la oscuridad que tus ojos guardan en sueño…….. Aullando a tus pies luna de placer este es mi último aliento…… Al anochecer Cuando al fin estés Entre espasmos de mi veneno….”

-Y así, nos damos cuenta de que el abrazo no es suficiente, que el beso no nos basta para sabernos nuestros, para darnos a entender que llevamos vidas enteras buscándonos, que hemos permanecido separados el uno del otro por incontables centurias, y es por esos motivos que queremos demostrarnos que somos nuestros, que nos pertenecemos el uno al otro, que somos eterna, incondicional y apasionadamente nuestros…-

“El viento se llevo nuestros secretos…. La muerte arrancó los sufrimientos… Juntos de esta prisión escaparemos aullando de pasión nos perderemos.”

-Y es así como otro beso hace su aparición, primero, dándose a conocer suave y tímido, momentos después, sintiéndose más confiado de si mismo, nos da a conocer su fuerza, su hambre de pasión,  entonces, sin haberlo esperado, una caricia se pasea por mi espalda, siento como llega a mi nuca y me acerca más a ti, de pronto, mis manos se pasean por tu cintura, casi sin recato, recorriendo cada centímetro de tus hermosas caderas sin perdonar espacios.-

“Al anochecer cuando al fin estés entre espasmos de mi veneno…”

-Tus dulces manos recorren mi ser, sin miramiento alguno arrancas mi ya desgastada camisa, recorres mi pecho con la mirada, te tomo entre mis brazos, te levanto y te beso, soy completa y totalmente tuyo ahora, y aun así, mientras mi cabeza es dominada por tus manos, beso tu pecho, me escondes entre tus senos, ambos estamos seguros, no vamos a detenernos…..-

“Al anochecer cuando al fin estés entre espasmos de mi veneno danzando estaré en la oscuridad que tus ojos guardan en sueño……..”

-Nuestros pensamientos ya no pueden detenernos, nos guía el instinto, nos conduce por el intrincado camino de la pasión amorosa, nos dirige en esta danza de los cuerpos tan agitada ahora, tan rítmica, tan pura entre nosotros, que no hay manera de pedirle que se detenga, no deseamos pedirle que se detenga…..-

“Aullando a tus pies luna de placer este es mi último aliento……”

-Y así en una explosión de proporciones macro universales nuestros cuerpos fundiéndose el uno en el otro, nuestras manos entrelazándose entre ellas y nuestras almas fusionándose por la eternidad…. Después de unos momentos, te miro ahí, a mi lado, tendida sobre mi abrazo y pienso “Nunca me negaría a ti…pues te amo…. Y siempre estaré dispuesto… a beber de este nuestro veneno….”

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

Not Broken

Greetings and welcome to my blog.

Thanks for reading and comment (even tho no one read nor comment the first entry), this one will
be based on the same subject but a little bit different as per its a story that I hope all of
you will like, I have used a little help from the Go Go Dolls, so please enjoy:

Not Broken....

-I saw you on that day, that now it seems so far away, all beauty, just as you are, perfect in your own way, restless insanity, deep dar eyes paired
to an angel voice that makes my soul sigh...-

"All I waited for..... Was a chance to make you understand. And tell you these forgotten truths never thought were real. And if the world should turn its back, you know that I'm still here"

-As soon as you smile, my heart accelerates the beats, then I walk a little bit slow, to make that smile permanent on my mind, in order to be sure that I will never forget your beautiful face, now that you decided to go away, far from here, sometimes I hate that I can read your mind.-

"Time won't ever steal my soul.....We're not broken... so please come home"

-Now I'm as near as I can of your body so you can give me a hug, what a weird ritual of us, Im pretty sure that you already know that I more that like you, and I know that you more than like me, so why are we here trying to hide everything, every feeling we have, I'm trying to encourage my self, so I can say something about this...-

"Morning comes, and life moves on....And when it changed, you didn't know you belong.... And I'll still catch you when you fall through a past that steals your sleep.... And scroll these words upon your wall remind you to believe"

-Does this really have to be so hard....and in his own

"Time won't ever steal my soul.....We're not
broken... so please come home"

-Little by little while we walk down the lane, my heart begin to pump out loud to me, demanding for the truth... should tell her... or should I ask...-

"And if the world has worn you down...I'll be please come home"

-So then...what should I do?... my head is going to explode, while we walk... while we walk...while we walk..she is telling me something.... what, yeah, I move my head in an affirmative heart burns in doubt as my head, I don't I dint want to feel like this...I don't want to continue like this...-

"I won't let them break you down...And I won't hear the empty sounds...I'm hopelessly pretending
that I know the answer"

-So then, we finally reach the end of the road,

you take my hand, look at me and say goodbye... I fall in desperation before I can stop, so just 
guided by my instinct, I take your hand back and ask you for some minutes-

"Angel's light and neon fires that burn so cold through your desires... And all you are is all I
need to know."

-As you accept, I take you away, to a little place kind of private, but in those streets, nothing seems to be private huh?... so then? you ask...well then. the truth...I guess...-

"When the world is insane.... You get used to the pain... And you don't even know what you feel"

-So I let it go, and I let you know, my whole feelings for you, my thoughts, my dreams, then I just waited there, to see if you are not mad, soud..... or something else...-

"And I am like you, all alone and confused..But you know it's not forever."

-Then you say "I don't let my feelings for you grow further, cause you already have a special someone in your life.... but now I don't know what to say....", so then we stand in front of each other, I don't know what to do, then your angelical voice came to me "Do what you really want to do..." then the wolf howling in my mind, screaming, I close my eyes, and without knowing we were kissing-

"Time won't ever steal my soul.....We're not
broken... so please come home"

-Kissing... and then you said " I like you..." with your cheeks in crimson red, And I reply, "If I say that I like you it would be a lie.... because I love you...."-

"And if the world has worn you down...
I'll be waiting...
so please come home..."

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

The begining of the road

Greetings everyone that read this words

I don't know right now if you will be many or you will be less that the people that I would like to read this but anyway thank you for taking your time to look upon this message.

So then lets get in to business here, to day the wolfs howl for the following reason, for the friendship that is gone, All of us, or at least a great majority of us, has a distant friend one that was with you and one day just disappear then even do we know that its for a good reason that he or she is gone, that her or his life is changing for better horizons, to have more and better opportunities, our hearts just crush cause we are envy beings, not with our friends, but with the world, cause we just want them for us and only us, and even do we are dying inside, burning up in raging flames to yell something like "why are you leaving me", we just stand there with a big fucking smile and said, "good luck, I'll wait here for ya"  or some stuff like that, or in my case just "bye...... and stuff", dude we gotta tell'em that we neede'm with us, that we love them here deep inside, that we don't want them to go, but that does not have to stop'em that they have to grow and live and that if they need we will be here for them anytime they need.......

Well may be this is not a very cool subject, but this space is to shout out loud averything on my mind so if you like it let me know same as if you don't, thanks all of you and remember.... I WILL SWALLOW YOUR SOUL!!!!!... my bad, jaja take care all of you.