Hello and welcome back….. assuming that you are the only one that read this, I would like to thank you, thank you for all the time that you have dedicate to read my toughs, and to understand my feelings, I also understand yours and beg for your forgiveness, because I’m not with you, even do I want you to understand something, I will be, it does not matter what does it takes, one day I’ll be with you, I swear over my condemned blood that one day I’ll be in front of you to never let go of your heart……. Any way, I just think of the following lines because they are for you, and only for you:
In the middle of the night:
-Is this a dream?..... is my mind playing tricks on me?.... If is not, why are you there by my side in the ground, near my body your soft skin at the reach of my hands, so white… so sweet, so perfect….
-Should I wake you up? Do I dare to touch your angel skin?... Am I worthy enough to call her back from the realm of dreams?.... I love to se her face like this, all calmed and in pure peace…
-then my mind begin to fly away with here name in my voice, Imagining that I can hold her in my arms for ever, that the eternity means all with her, that for her, I will do everything….
-Then my toughs change drastically, I was with her again, lying in the ground, she was awake and looking at me, giving me that smile full of light of her…. Then I just reach your lips… damn how do I a dark being, a forgotten one, a forbidden one, dare to kiss those pure lips, how does the devil dares to touch such a beautiful creature, so delicate, so gentle and kind….. but then for my own surprise, you responded to the kiss, then I just began to kiss your chick, then slowly went to your chin, and … no lies here, softly and with a little bit of lust, I reached her neck, I kissed it and bit it slowly and in a soft way…. That cause for her to softly growl in pure pleasure and then….. my will take away that image of my head, “damn you stupid animal” I said to my self….. Sometimes is not good to be a demon huh?.... then she just woke up….in that moment, I look at her and then, just one thing comes to my mind…”kiss her”….but is forbidden……”Kiss her!!!!”…but is forbidden…”Shut up and KISS HER!!”… but…”do it!!!!”….but….”DO IT!!!!!!”..
-So I did, Slowly move my face near her, making my lips get closer to hers, and then, a tender, gentle little kiss came out…..
-She opened her eyes , wide in doubt…. Then I told her in a soft voice ”The same look I had when I saw you the first time, thinking we did not belong together…but here we are, at the end of the road together” you didn’t say anything, so I just stay still far you… then you came closer, so I hugged you.. Ill try to keep that picture of you in my arms for ever….
-Then unfortunately I woke up…”so lonely” I think.. but then I swear again…”One day I’ll be with you… doesn’t matter how much does it takes, I’ll be with you…..and that day, the day that I finally will have you in my arms, I will never let go of you… because ]I love you….I will take care of you…. Because I love you!!..... I´ll be with you for ever….. BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!!....
-That was my oath, created in the middle of the night for you, with the full moon as my witness, I´ll keep my promise for ever…I´ll keep my promise…for you….
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